標 本 名: | 電気石, エルバイト (リチア電気石) (Elbaite) | 化学組成: | Na(Li1,5AL1,5)Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)3(OH) | サ イ ズ: | | 重量: | | 透明: | | 数量: | | 産地: | Mine close to Letpanhla village near Mount Pyin Kyi Thaung, Singu Township, Mandalay Division, ビルマ(ミャンマー) Burma (Myanmar) | An interesting pink-yellowish to colorless tourmaline crystal with bluish-black head. The crystal shows a unusual pattern at two prism sides. This part looks like terrace shaped wavy lines; each of those has a thin bluish-black layer at the top! This is probably caused by former mica lamellas, which have been dissolved later. You get a fascinating moors head tourmaline!