標 本 名: | 青金石 (Lapis Lazuli (Lazurite / Calcite / Sodalite) | 化学組成: | (Na,Ca)8 [(S,SO4,Cl2 )|Al6Si6O24 ] / CaCO3 / Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2 | サ イ ズ: | | 重量: | | 透明: | | 数量: | | 産地: | Pyan Gyi mine (West of Pyan Pyit), northeast of Mogok, ビルマ(ミャンマー) Burma (Myanmar) | Rough Lapis Lazuli from Burma. The color is ranging from bright blue (sodalite) to deep blue (azurite) in between the white crystals are calcite.