標 本 名: | 柱石 (総称, (マリアライト - 灰柱石 ) (Scapolite (Marialite-Meionite Series)) | 化学組成: | 3NaAlSi3O8·NaCl - 3CaAl2Si2O8·CaCO3 | サ イ ズ: | | 重量: | | 透明: | | 数量 : | | 産地: | Onh Bin Yee Htwet , Le-Oo (Le U), northeast of Mogok, ビルマ(ミャンマー) Burma (Myanmar) | Here you get a sharp centred cat’s eye, with light pink coloration and good round shape and polish. At the backside their is a small blemish but wont be visible after setting. A nice big Scapolite from Burma!
