標 本 名: | 鉄かんらん石 - 苦土かんらん石 (Fayalite-Forsterite) Series, Variety: ぺリドット (Peridot) | 化学組成: | Fe2+2[SiO4] - Mg2[SiO4] | サ イ ズ : | | 重量: | | 透明: | | 数量 : | | 産地: | Pyaung Gaung mine, Bernardmyo village, north of Mogok, ビルマ(ミャンマー) Burma (Myanmar) | Rarely found... undamaged and with termination, here you get a perdiot 結晶 crystal in ぺリドット (Peridot)ite matrix, 結晶 crystal has fine natural etched surface and undamaged fine termination as well as a gemmy transparency!