標 本 名: | 透輝石 (Diopside) | 化学組成: | CaMgSi2O6 | サ イ ズ : | | 重量: | | 透明: | | 数量 : | | 産地: | Onh Bin Yee Htwet , Le-Oo (Le U), northeast Mogok, ビルマ(ミャンマー) Burma (Myanmar) | These are very unusual 透輝石 (Diopside) 結晶 crystals, the specimens are showing a fine luster and a vivid green color. Almost all pieces are associated with small Graphite flakes. These pieces are possibly altered by pneumatolytic processes. The Ohn Bin mine produces a lot of very unique 標 本 名 specimens.