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Página Principal » Catálogo » Cristales en Matriz » Cristal de Peridoto en Matrix

Cristal de Peridoto en Matrix

Producto No.: mj02-626

Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix
Cristal de Peridoto  en Matrix



Serie de Solución Sólida: (Forsterita - Fayalita) variedad: Peridoto
Fórmula química:
Fe2+2[SiO4] - Mg2[SiO4]
81,4 x 64,5 x40,7
cristal: 13,2 x 11,0 & 13,0 x 5,8 mm
1626,7 ct o 325,34 g
transparente - translúcido
Número de piezas:
La Mina de Pyaung Gaung, Aldea de Bernardmyo , al norte de Mogok, Birmania (Myanmar)

Two peridot crystals embedded in a massive coarse-grained peridodite matrix. The crystals seem to be damaged at one and, more careful observation reveals that those areas are fully recrystallized. This is a rare matrix specimen and was found more than five years ago.

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