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Cristal de Zafiro

Producto No.: bb09-007

Cristal de Zafiro
Cristal de Zafiro
Cristal de Zafiro
Cristal de Zafiro
Cristal de Zafiro
Cristal de Zafiro



Corindón variedad: Zafiro
Fórmula química:
12,3 x 13,6 x 7,2 mm
8,23 ct o 1,646 g
Número de piezas:
Ratnapura, Provincia de Sabaragamuwa, Sri Lanka

A gemmy Geuda sapphire with a light violet hue, great luster and sharp crystal faces apart from the base fully intact crystal with small twin attached. Geuda sapphire describes a milky, silk hosting sapphire which is suitable for heat treatment, because the silk (titanium oxide) can turn blue during the heat treatment and most case giving a fine strong saturated blue coloration. The Geuda sapphire normally get heat treated by temperatures around 1600 – 1800 °C with reducing atmosphere. The rutile needles will dissolve and Ti3+ will be distributed more equally throughout the stone, fast cooling will prevent recrystallization of the rutile the available Ti3+ will cause a the blue coloration.

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