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Página Principal » Catálogo » Cristales » Johachidolita » ejemplares vendidos » Johachidolita en Matriz

Johachidolita en Matriz

Producto No.: mj03-001

Johachidolita en Matriz
Johachidolita en Matriz
Johachidolita en Matriz
Johachidolita en Matriz
Johachidolita en Matriz



Johachidolita / Escapolita
Fórmula química:
CaAlB3O7 / 3NaAlSi3O8·NaCl - 3CaAl2Si2O8·CaCO3
37,7 x 26,2 x 18,2
cristal: 7,5 x 6,0 mm
75,1 ct o 15,02 g
Número de piezas:
La mina de Pyan Gyi (oeste de Pyan Pyit), al noreste de Mogok, Birmania (Myanmar)

Here you get a Johachidolite crystal in orthoclase but is surrounded by scapolite.The crystal discloses on the 3 visible faces luster and crystal shape. Terminated crystals are much rarer as huge specimens full of cleave faces. In general these crystals show very rarely idiomorph habit, due to the competition growth with the other minerals. The faces mostly form by touching the neighboring crystals. A fine reference specimen of these newly discovered mineral.

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