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Página Principal » Catálogo » Cristales » Fenaquita » ejemplares vendidos » Cristal de Fenaquita

Cristal de Fenaquita

Producto No.: mj02-375

Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita
Cristal de Fenaquita



Fórmula química:
17,7 x 9,1 x 8,3 mm
12,05 ct o 2,41 g
translúcido - transparente
Número de piezas:
La Mina de Panthahole, cerca de Mt. Gaba Ant Bwe Taung (Ant Pywe Taung), al noreste de Mogok ,Distrito de Molo, Momeik Township, Birmania (Myanmar)

This phenakite crystal has a rather untypical shape for this locality looks exactly like a tourmaline crystal. The notch on the head is natural and shows no crystalline fracture faces. The prism faces are intact as well and party showing striation. A fine specimen with good luster and shape.

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