Mineral: | Garnet, Variety: Andradite / Epidote / Diopside / Calcite / Clinochlore | Chemical Formula: | Ca3Fe3+2(SiO4)3 / Ca2(Al,Fe3+,Cr)3[O|OH|SiO4|Si2O7] / CaMgSi2O6 / CaCO3 / (Mg,Fe2+)5 Al[(OH)8|AlSi3O10] | Size: | | Weight: | | Transparence: | | Quantity: | | Origin: | Marki Khel, Khogyani, Nangarhar Province (Ningarhar Province), Afghanistan | Beautiful paragenesis, diopside as well as epidote and garnet crystals disclosing great luster and no damages apart from the edges of specimen! The best composed paragenesis I have seen so far from this locality!
